
call me surprised this came from the writer of Ria Imo… ohh and legitly its the osananajimi who wins! and is better written

Well all that’s left is the FD next month cause maybe I would read it since it does revolve around the concept of 子作り because grandma just wants to see her great grandchild :X

Game Info

Game Site

Random Gist

Genre: Summer, Romance, Osananajimi, Step by Step loving
Character Design: もとみやみつき (Motomiya Natsuki)
Scenario: おぅんごぅる


Akito’s parents wed late in life after repeated failed marriage meetings. They both passed away a few years ago due to illness. In their last words, they lamented not having found their love while they were young. Now the track and field club’s manager at Keisen Academy, a sudden decision was forced upon him. His grandmother Chiyo was worried about her grandson’s future after his parent’s failed marriage and tearfully appealed to him to find a bride while she’s still alive. If he was unable to do so within a week, then he would be forced to marry whomever she chooses.
From Micchi’s website


星野 なぎさ (Hoshino Nagisa)

The shy osananajimi and is the “main heroine” of the setting, part of the track and field club where our protagonist Akito acts as the manager/coach of the female division who has oddly enough a lot of members.

小松 莉奈 (Komatsu Rina)

Part of the swimming club and is also the other Osananajimi, relegated to sub-heroine status the the overall plot revolves around the relationship status quo between her, Nagisa and Akito. She’s very cheerful, spontaneous and outspoken but she’s sucker for kissing.

知花 涼香 (Chibana Ryouka)

The bridal candidate that Chiyo; Akito’s grandma got for him but even then her father and Akito’s father were good friends so Chiyo also knows her father, was originally from the rival track and field club of Akito’s track and field club but ever since one incident with Akito she has been infatuated with him soo… yeah.

関谷 秋人 (Sekiya Akito)

The protagonist of the story, he was “cursed/blessed” by his father he won’t graduate from virginity until passed 40 years of age; before passing away, thus prompting the start of the entire plot of the story has been childhood friends with Nagisa and Rika, one of who holds an unrequited emotions since they were little. As the player you have to choose wisely cause you will still end up with 2 heartbroken people… or maybe 1 I don’t know.



This is how the title screen of the game looks like after finishing Nagisa’s route, yeah clearly she’s the main-heroine, by finishing all 3 routes do you get the final version of the title screen by finishing the short side story of Megumi; Akito’s imouto.
I won’t do the rest of the system because I have already posted a lot of ALcot game reviews…

Opinions/Last Words

For something I got at the spur of the moment this is quite a good game at least for me, if you are like Eriri Spencer Sawamura I would openly recommend you this game cause you know you got 2 osananajimis and sadly you can only chose 1, considering though Ria Imo was for me was mediocre I guess by taking a more natural “step by step route” you can get the development from the characters but I still think Ryouka’s development was a bit too… shallow with her plot’s denouement, but I’m also a sucker for kuro-kami bishoujos… but I’m not sure if Nagisa is counted as such so bonus points? I guess I took her route first not knowing what I would get only to find out how her route balances out the entire “status quo” dilemma between her, Rina and Akito and adding Megumi in the mix somewhat though that was a bit of a low blow, totally I could see Megumi was the “immoral” route choice that was scrapped later on the development after what I think happened in Ria Imo considering the writer is the same Oungorru? decided to take the safest route of least resistance CONCENTRATE ON A SINGLE HEROINE just so happens what heroine in the setting is shy and has an unrequitted emotion/old wound @_@.


Story: 7/10
Character: 8/10
CGs: 7.5/10
Music: 6/10
Finally the Osananajimi wins the eroge!

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