ティンクル☆くるせいだーす -Passion Star Stream- mini Review

So what is this game… well if people who didn’t follow lillian back then this is Twinkle Crusader’s “fandisk” of sorts and therefore I can not completely make a review of this BECAUSE I HAVENT FINISHED GoGo!! from the PSP… cause Melilot here has an after story scenario… as for Emilina; Lolloto’s best friend back in heaven also gets 2 scenarios high lighting her and her after story… lucky girl… and therefore I would suggest to finish that first or the original TC back then in 2009… so what is this game known for? well all I can tell is the wacky cast and wacky humor with some parodies and references here and there… I haven’t found a wiki for the references but the original game had like 158 references or so, seen by the eyes of 2ch…

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